Four Vegan Foods that Double as Cleaning Products
By: Alia Savage
Commercial suppliers may finally be shifting towards developing vegan cleaning products, but it’s still very much a niche market. Until these companies are able to cheaply produce and distribute their vegan alternatives, the products will continue to be outside of some people’s price range.
But like the old saying goes: where there is a will, there is a way! Fortunately, there is a wide selection of foods found in your average grocery store that can double as vegan cleaning agents. And they won’t cost you an arm and a leg to obtain!
Here are four foods that can double as vegan, guilt-free cleaning agents.
Ketchup (Tarnish Remover)
Copper cookware is a classy addition to any kitchen...at least until it becomes tarnished. There’s nothing worse than pulling out your grandmother’s cookware, only to realize it’s coated in an ugly, bronze glaze.
Thankfully, you can reverse this eyesore with a little ketchup.
The acidity of the tomatoes makes it great for shining up your dingy cookware. To use, simply squirt a dollop of ketchup onto a towel and rub it over your cookware. Let sit for thirty minutes, then wipe clean.
Walnuts (Scratch Remover)
Scratches really inhibit the appeal of your wooden furniture. Fortunately, a walnut or two can clear these right up. All you have to do swipe the de-shelled walnut over the scratch, then rub your finger over it. This will help the wood absorb the oil and will ultimately seal the scratch. Note: this trick only works on small, shallow scratches.
Cucumber (Stain Remover)
Most people already know that cucumbers can be eaten or used to remove dark under eye circles. What most don’t know is that sliced cucumbers can also be used inside of the home to remove stubborn marks and stains from walls and countertops, too! And it works just as you think. Just cut a few slices from your cucumber, rub it along then stain and watch as it disappears before your eyes.
Distilled Vinegar (All Purpose Cleaner)
Vinegar is pretty much the best, most versatile natural cleaning agent available (vegan or otherwise). In addition to being a natural antiseptic, it’s also great for scrubbing away soap scum, cleaning mirrors, and much more.
You can use it on its own (mixed with water) or mix it with essential oils for extra aromatic and antibacterial/fungal properties.
This doesn’t mean that you should just break out any vinegar you have on hand. While most vinegar is made from grains, some of it is processed with animal products. To make sure you’re actually adhering to vegan guidelines, you should stick to distilled white vinegar.
Beyond that, your vinegar solution can’t be used on granite countertops, hardwood floors, and grout. Lastly, you should NEVER mix vinegar with bleach or any product that contains bleach. It will create toxic chlorine gas, which can kill you if inhaled in large doses.
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