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With news about the coronavirus going around like crazy, it can be hard to think of our mental health in addition to worrying about our physical health. We're all being encouraged to wash our hands more, stay home if we don't feel good, and bring home a few extra non-perishable goods. However, your health is far more than physical. It's mental too.

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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, anxiety, april showers, boundaries, breathe, breathing, calm, calm breathing, calming, comfortable, confidence, confident, depression, destress, energy, happiness, happy, healthy, healthy living, mindful, mindful thinking, mindfulness, Nicole Pyles, personal development, relationships, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, social media -

March 20th is the official International Day of Happiness – and achieving a lasting joy may not be as hard as it sounds. Happiness has less to do with what you buy and how much money you have in the bank, but more to do with the relationships in your life, according to a recent Harvard study. Yet, happiness is more than just wearing a smile, it’s what is going on inside of you. People who are generally happier experience more positive emotions, bounce back from negative emotions, and also have a sense of purpose. But if you want a sense of overall lasting happiness - that lasts far longer than a social media trend - we have for you 5 tips for finding last happiness. 

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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, Alia Savage, anxiety, boundaries, breathe, breathing, calm breathing, calming, comfortable, confidence, confident, depression, destress, goals, good habits, habit, habits, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, mental health, mental health help, mindful thinking, mindfulness, new year, new years resolutions, personal development, resolutions, SAD, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, self improvement, student, student life, study, unplug -

The world is, unfortunately, full of distractions and things to steal our focus. Between my phone, Netflix, and putting a dent in my reason list, I find it hard to achieve everything I need to over a day. One of my resolutions for 2020 is to become more productive. There are several ways to approach this goal, but I’ve found, so far, that using various apps are helping me stay on track. Here are three of my favorite! 

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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, Alia Savage, bad habits, beauty, benefit, benefits, budget-friendly, cleaner, cleaning, cleanse, cleanser, cold season, cold weather, confident, cruelty-free, drinking water, dry skin, good habits, habit, habits, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, moisturizer, new years resolutions, self care, self help, skin, skin care, skincare routine, sleep, sunscreen -

January shouldn’t just be the time that you resolve to get your health and finances in order, it’s also the perfect time to commit to better skincare. Now, you may be thinking, “I moisturize, what more do you want from me?” The answer? A ton! Whether you’re a glammed-out beauty, a gorgeous natural, or someone who lands in between, the foundation of every look is healthy skin. Given all of the harsh elements we face daily, we could all be going more to take care of ourselves. Here are 5 skin care resolutions you should make this January.

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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, anxiety, bad habits, benefit, benefits, breathe, breathing, calm breathing, calming, cleaning, college, confidence, confident, depression, destress, drinking water, energy, energy efficiency, exercise, habit, habits, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, hydration, hydration app, mental health, mental health help, mindful thinking, new year, new years resolutions, personal development, resolutions, sawyer cecena, seasonal depression, self improvement, self love, thought work, thoughts, top picks, vegan, vegan blogger, water, winter activities, winter exercise, winter guide, winter ideas -

It’s no secret that too much screen time is a poor habit on its own. In fact, one survey found that over 80% of people worldwide claimed that they couldn’t bare to go without their phones for a single day! However, there really is an app for everything these days – and that includes promoting healthier habits. When used appropriately and in moderation, these awesome (and free!) apps can help you stay on top of your health and personal goals. 

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