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2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, anxiety, april showers, bad habits, buying a home, cleaner, cleaning, cold season, cold weather, destress, DIY, energy, energy efficiency, flowers, go green, goals, green, green living, guide, habit, habits, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, healthy living, hobbies, hobby, household, household items, household products, mental health, mental health help, new home, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, organization, outdoor lovers, outdoors, rain, rainy day, rainy days, resolutions, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, self improvement, Spring, spring cleaning, spring weather, winter activities, winter guide -

Spring is finally here! That means that flowers are in bloom, birds are chirping, April showers are on the way, and most of all, we've begun our spring cleaning. Whether your process involves getting rid of unnecessary junk, putting away winter clothes, or refreshing the dust off our cabinets, don’t forget to dust off and declutter your mind. Today, in honor of all those dust brushes and polishes coming out of hiding, we have three big ways you can spring clean your home and your mind.

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2019 resolutions, breathe, breathing, buying a home, calm breathing, calming, comfortable, confidence, confident, depression, destress, energy, guide, household, household items, household products, mental health, mental health help, mindful, mindful thinking, mindfulness, new home, organization, packing, research, self care, self help, self love, unpacking -

Did you know that moving is considered to be one of life's most stressful moments? It's right up there with heartbreak and starting a new job. If you are moving this weekend, I've probably made you feel a whole lot worse. Yet, even though it is incredibly difficult to move, it can also be hard to feel "at home." So, as you move in the last box into your new digs, here are a few ways you can make yourself feel right at home. 

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