Fun Ways to Get Masculine Folks Into Skincare
By: Alia Savage
Sometimes, it can be really tough to get men or masculine folks to care about their skin. Somewhere through history, society decided to associate grooming with feminine features only. Sure, men will wash their face and groom their beards until the cows come home, but if you even mention exfoliation or moisturization, a lot of them will turn their face up.
It’s a shame, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. Social norms are not set in stone. You just have to be willing to help move things along. So, if you want to help your man along towards a better path for his skin, and he's avoiding it for the sake of “manliness,” then read our tips about how to shift the tides and get him into skin care.
Make It A Date Night
Your guy will be a lot more receptive to the idea of spending an evening trying out your products if you make it a cozy experience. This means lighting a few candles, breaking out the fluffy robes and maybe even a glass or two of champagne. It’ll create a bit of an at-home spa situation that will not only relax him but also bring you closer together.
Keep Things Simple
If your guy has made a habit of doing the bare minimum, you can’t expect him to rise to your level of skin care overnight. If you break out too much, too soon, you might overwhelm him, so start with a few basic products like toner, astringent, or moisturizer and go from there.
Go Shopping With Him
So, maybe now he understands that healthy, moisturized skin should be a goal for women and men alike. Great! It’s now time to get him out of the stash of products that you paid your hard earned money for and get him his own!
But don’t send him into the wilderness alone. Those beauty consultants will eat him alive, and it could be pretty overwhelming to face a beauty counter in public for the first time. Accompany him to the store so that you can make sure he gets products that work for him. If you do your job correctly, you’ll only have to go once, unless, of course, you just want to!
Compliment Him
Men love compliments just as much as women do. So make sure you talk him up and tell him how much more amazing he looks, now that he's keeping himself up. It'll not only make him feel good, but it'll reinforce the notion that skincare equals something positive.
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