Why you Should Start your New Year's Resolutions Early
By: Alia Savage
Come January 1st, you’ll join much of the population and try your hardest to overhaul your life with your latest batch of New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you'll try to lose weight, maybe you'll try to get organized. Either way, self-improvement is the goal. That’s great and all, but you don’t have to wait until the new year to change your life. You can start right now -- and here’s why you should.
You Shouldn’t Put Stock in Arbitrary Dates
As we head into 2020, there’s a bunch of hoopla over ending this year on a high note because the decade is ending. While it’s true, you should try to end every revolution around the sun on a high note, it has nothing to do with a new decade is starting, it’s because you should make the most of each year. There’s nothing inherently magical about January 1, it just marks the beginning of the year. Time will continue to pass, regardless. Once it’s gone, you’ll still have to work to achieve your goals. You might as well start now!
Habits Take Time to Form
Most people start strong with their resolutions, then fizzle out a few months later. It’s easy to make a strong start when you’re being energized by the mass dedication of everyone else around you. But the only thing that will sustain you, long term, is discipline, which is influenced by our habits.
Since habits take almost a month to form, you’ll have just enough time to condition your mind and body to the new and improved you by the time New Year's comes around. That’s half the battle!
You'll Beat the January Rush!
Finally, starting your resolutions now will put you ahead of the crowd. Sure, resolutions are about personal development but come on, there's nothing like a little healthy competition. It’ll keep you motivated! Give yourself the extra edge by diving headfirst into your plans for the new year -- right now.
Are you thinking about starting your resolutions early? Or, will you wait until January 1st? Leave us a comment below!