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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, Alia Savage, anxiety, boundaries, breathe, breathing, calm breathing, calming, comfortable, confidence, confident, depression, destress, goals, good habits, habit, habits, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, mental health, mental health help, mindful thinking, mindfulness, new year, new years resolutions, personal development, resolutions, SAD, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, self improvement, student, student life, study, unplug -

The world is, unfortunately, full of distractions and things to steal our focus. Between my phone, Netflix, and putting a dent in my reason list, I find it hard to achieve everything I need to over a day. One of my resolutions for 2020 is to become more productive. There are several ways to approach this goal, but I’ve found, so far, that using various apps are helping me stay on track. Here are three of my favorite! 

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college, depression, destress, graduating, graduating college, graduation, happiness, happy, health, healthy living, mental health, mental health help, mindful, mindful thinking, mindfulness, nap time, post grad, post-grad depression, sawyer cecena, stress, student, student life, study -

Everybody knows that getting a college degree is an extremely stressful task. Between the exams and the papers and trying to maintain a personal life, it’s no surprise that nearly fifty percent of college students are suffering from anxiety and depression. But, what about those who continue to suffer after the cap and gown come off? 

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Social media can be an amazing tool to help you stay connected with your loved ones and keep up to date on the world around you. But spending too much time behind the screen can take a toll on your mental and physical health by causing depression, social anxiety, stiff necks, and insomnia. Taking a social media detox is a great way to recharge your mind and body by taking a break from all the likes and late-night scrolling. If you’re looking for a binge break, here are some tips to help you get started.

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fast food, plant-based, raw vegan, sawyer cecena, science, study, vegan, vegan blog, vegan blogger, vegan brand, vegan brands, vegan cheese, vegan clothing, vegan cooking, vegan diet, vegan fast food, vegan gifts, vegan hacks, vegan influencer, vegan lifestyle, vegan recipes, vegan tips, veganism, veganism benefits -

Being a vegan in a society that is still so wrapped-up in omnivorous eating has its challenges. One of the most trying situations for any cruelty-free eater is when others try to tell us everything that’s “wrong” with our diet. After a certain point in veganism, you really hear it all. Next time you’re stuck at the bar with some guy droning on about why your body “needs meat” or your parents are trying to pick apart your grocery budget, here are some quick facts to help with your rebuttal. 

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benefit, benefits, blogger, cold season, cold weather, comfortable, confidence, confident, depression, energy, golden rule, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, healthy living, household, mental health, mental health help, Nicole Pyles, rainy day, rainy days, remedies, remedy, research, seasonal affective disorder, self care, self help, self love, study, summer, unplug -

If you have ever wanted your life to change, it may seem like something that requires a lot of money. And time. And mostly money. Yet, the biggest changes you can make in your life starts on the inside. It starts in the simplest of ways - all of which you can start right now without a single dime.

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