clean, cleaner, cleaning, computer, computer storage, declutter, decluttering, digital cleanse, donate, donation, kitchen, mental health, mental health help, organization, organize, spring cleaning -

Spring calls for cleaning and decluttering. Common areas include your closet, makeup/skin care, and jewelry- but there are five areas that often get overlooked. These spaces, although not often remembered, need to be cleaned out just as frequently. Decluttering all aspects of your life can help improve focus, motivation, and overall mental health. 

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desk, focus, meetings, motivation, organization, organize, organized, reward, rewards, schedule, thought work, to-do, to-do list, wfh, work, work from home, working, working from home, workspace -

Changing your routine can be difficult, especially if it is sudden and forced, like many of us are during the era of the coronavirus. Usually we have a few weeks to readjust to going back to school or starting a new position at work. Unfortunately, most of us have been abruptly reassigned to working at home. These tips will help those of us trying to stay productive when laying in bed is as tempting as ever. 

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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, ADHD, anxiety, anxious, april showers, bad habits, benefit, benefits, boundaries, breathe, breathing, calm breathing, calming, cold season, cold weather, comfortable, confidence, confident, depression, destress, energy, ettiquette, habit, habits, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, mental health, mental health day, mental health help, mindful, mindful thinking, mindfulness, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, relax, relaxation, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, self improvement, self love, sleep -

With news about the coronavirus going around like crazy, it can be hard to think of our mental health in addition to worrying about our physical health. We're all being encouraged to wash our hands more, stay home if we don't feel good, and bring home a few extra non-perishable goods. However, your health is far more than physical. It's mental too.

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2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, anxiety, april showers, bad habits, buying a home, cleaner, cleaning, cold season, cold weather, destress, DIY, energy, energy efficiency, flowers, go green, goals, green, green living, guide, habit, habits, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, healthy living, hobbies, hobby, household, household items, household products, mental health, mental health help, new home, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, organization, outdoor lovers, outdoors, rain, rainy day, rainy days, resolutions, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, self improvement, Spring, spring cleaning, spring weather, winter activities, winter guide -

Spring is finally here! That means that flowers are in bloom, birds are chirping, April showers are on the way, and most of all, we've begun our spring cleaning. Whether your process involves getting rid of unnecessary junk, putting away winter clothes, or refreshing the dust off our cabinets, don’t forget to dust off and declutter your mind. Today, in honor of all those dust brushes and polishes coming out of hiding, we have three big ways you can spring clean your home and your mind.

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2020, 2020 goals, 2020 resolutions, ADHD, bad habits, boundaries, breathe, breathing, calm, calm breathing, calming, cleaning, cold season, cold weather, confidence, depression, destress, energy, executive dysfunction, good habits, guide, happiness, happy, health, health trend, healthy, healthy living, hobbies, hobby, household, household items, household products, journaling, laundry, laziness, mental health, mental health help, mindful, mindful thinking, mindfulness, new years resolutions, organization, personal development, remedies, remedy, SAD, sawyer cecena, seasonal affective disorder, seasonal depression, self care, self help, self improvement, self love, tasks -

ADHD and executive dysfunction often go together – especially for those with the inattentive type of ADHD.  This affects crucial self-management skills such as awareness, memory, and planning, making it difficult to start or complete tasks, remain organized, and effectively manage time. If you suffer from ADHD, these behaviors may sound familiar already.

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