2019 resolutions RSS

2019, 2019 resolutions, energy, energy efficiency, environment, environmental, go green, goals, green, green living, grocery bags, guide, healthy living, ocean, plastic, recycling, Sarah Dailey, straws, vegan, vegan lifestyle, veganism, waste, zero waste -

Zero waste is a term that is starting to be thrown around social media. While being 100% zero waste is definitely a challenge that can take years to accomplish, there are some easy changes we can make today.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, acne, acne remedy, beauty, benefit, benefits, cleanse, cleanser, combination skin, cystic, cystic acne, dry skin, face wash, facial oil, goals, guide, health benefit, natural remedy, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, oily skin, remedies, self care, sensitive skin, skin care -

There are some habits we all may be guilty of doing that is terrible for our skin. In fact, you may be guilty of these habits as you read this article. What you may not realize is that some habits we take with us day in and day out do damage to the most obvious organ on our body - our skin. So, keep these three "don'ts" in mind and you may start seeing a healthier, clearer you staring back in the mirror.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, dairy-free, energy, go green, green, green living, guide, health benefit, health trend, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, new year, new years resolutions, paige fowler, plant-based, recipe, vegan, vegan brand, vegan brands, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan hacks, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism, veganism benefits -

Looking for a simple but filling vegan snack? Before you reach for those Oreos, Teddy Grahams, or Nutter Butters, whip up one of these refreshing and nutritious alternatives instead. These stress-free recipes just might help you keep those new year resolutions.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, beauty, cleanse, dairy-free, goals, green living, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, new year, new years resolutions, paige fowler, plant-based, research, resolutions, self care, self help, self love, vegan, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism -

This list is chock-full of versatile, nutritious, and relatively cheap grocery items that are staples in my pantry and fridge, and I figured I’d share them for anyone who’s never tried to clean up their eating and maybe doesn’t know where to start.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, depression, energy, goals, guide, happiness, health benefit, healthy, healthy living, mental health, mental health help, new year, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, reading, resolutions, SAD, seasonal affective disorder, self care, self help, self love, social media, study, unplug -

Whether or not you can devote an entire year to ditching your smartphone, there is a lot to be said for putting down your digital device. We could all use a break from technology, so if you've decided to cut back or cut out your smartphone completely in 2019, here are a few things you can consider doing while you take a break from technology.

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