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Acne is always annoying, but especially when it’s not limited to your face. While everyone gets body acne from time to time, it can be difficult to deal with when you’re trying to cool off and show some extra skin in this summer weather. If you’re struggling with body breakouts, here are five tips to help you prevent those pesky pimples. 

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There’s no better time than the present to be a face mask fanatic. The face mask industry is absolutely booming right now, so there's something out there for everyone; you just have to be patient enough to find it! And, I get it. No one wants to endlessly wade through expensive products until they find the right one. That’s why I’ve put together a super simple guide for you on how to find the best mask for you and your skin! 

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acne, acne remedy, beauty, benefit, benefits, cleaning, cleanse, cleanser, combination skin, dry skin, face wash, facial oil, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, hydration, Ingredients, Laurel Dillon, makeup, moisturizer, routine, sensitive skin, skin, skin care, skincare routine -

Have you ever been frustrated that your skincare products aren’t working as effectively as they advertised or as you had hoped? While this may be a sign that a product isn’t for you, it could also just be a sign that the way you are using it isn’t allowing your skin to reap the full benefits of it! So let’s talk about how to get those benefits maximized!

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2019, 2019 resolutions, acne, acne remedy, beauty, benefit, benefits, cleanse, cleanser, combination skin, cystic, cystic acne, dry skin, face wash, facial oil, goals, guide, health benefit, natural remedy, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, oily skin, remedies, self care, sensitive skin, skin care -

There are some habits we all may be guilty of doing that is terrible for our skin. In fact, you may be guilty of these habits as you read this article. What you may not realize is that some habits we take with us day in and day out do damage to the most obvious organ on our body - our skin. So, keep these three "don'ts" in mind and you may start seeing a healthier, clearer you staring back in the mirror.

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acne, acne remedy, clay mask, cystic, cystic acne, dry skin, facial oil, moisturizer, natural, natural remedy, oily skin, paige fowler, remedies, remedy, tea tree oil -

By: Paige Fowler For many, cystic acne seems inescapable. I personally have struggled with it for over seven years, and it’s a constant cycle of hopes raised and hopes dashed: right when I think I’m clear, another painful and unsightly cyst resurfaces—or, more accurately, fails to. Because that’s precisely the problem with cystic acne: unlike “regular” acne like blackheads and whiteheads, cystic blemishes are under the skin, and that’s exactly what makes them so painful and difficult to get rid of. Many who struggle with cystic acne are frustrated to find they’re unable to treat their condition with over-the-counter medications...

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