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2019, 2019 resolutions, beauty, cleanse, dairy-free, goals, green living, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, new year, new years resolutions, paige fowler, plant-based, research, resolutions, self care, self help, self love, vegan, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism -

This list is chock-full of versatile, nutritious, and relatively cheap grocery items that are staples in my pantry and fridge, and I figured I’d share them for anyone who’s never tried to clean up their eating and maybe doesn’t know where to start.

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2019, beauty, cleaning, cleanse, combination skin, dry skin, feminine health, guide, moisturizer, razor, razors, remedies, sawyer cecena, self care, sensitive skin, shaving, skin, skin care, skin type -

There are millions of hair follicles all over the human body, which leave room for hundreds of thousands of hairs to grow to their liking. While body hair is completely natural, many people choose to remove the hairs not on their head via shaving, waxing, depilatories, or laser removal. 

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2018, benefit, benefits, cleaning, cleanse, cleanser, drinking water, energy, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, hydration, illness, paige fowler, spring cleaning, top picks, water -

The title of this article might seem strange, but I promise: keep reading and you’ll learn something.

Reusable plastic and stainless-steel water bottles have—rightfully so—become a trend over the past few years. With more and more Americans growing environmentally conscious, many of us are ditching the 24-pack of Aquafina for the more earth- and wallet-friendly reusable water bottle. Some people, however, often miss the convenience of single-use plastic and complain that reusable water bottles are annoying to hand clean*; and honestly, I used to agree until I got the hang of it.

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2018, 2018 goals, beauty, cleaning, cleanse, energy, genevieve glynn-reeves, goals, guide, health, healthy living, mental health help, resolutions, self care, self help, self love, sleep, spring cleaning, study, unplug -

Often, decorating where we’re living can feel like an unnecessary luxury. It can be expensive and time consuming. Sometimes we’re not even sure how long we are going to be staying and it can seem pointless. For the less aesthetically focused of us, it just feels overwhelming even working out where to start. However, taking time to make your living space comfortable and homely is an important act of self-care.

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beauty, cleaning, cleanse, combination skin, dry skin, genevieve glynn-reeves, guide, oily skin, research, self care, sensitive skin, skin, skin type -

By: Genevieve Glynn-Reaves
By now we’ve all worked out that skincare is important. If you want your skin to look great, you’re going to have to take care of it. However, with so many products to choose between, how are we supposed to know which range is right for us?

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