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Some say it’s a fad, others it’s a lifestyle, and for many, it’s a path to healthy living. It’s also, of course, a major lifestyle adjustment that doesn’t always come easy. Habits take time to break. And as someone who’s recently attempted veganism, resetting my palate and resisting the urge to go back to my animal-eating ways has been a challenge, but I’ve pushed through. It is totally doable, and millions of people around the world live plant-based, and so can you.

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I’m sure everyone has heard “try coconut oil!” in response to some issue. Is coconut oil really this versatile and useful? While there are many things that coconut oil will help and some that it won't, below is a short list I’ve compiled of my favorite ways to use coconut oil in my day to day life.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, dairy-free, energy, go green, green, green living, guide, health benefit, health trend, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, new year, new years resolutions, paige fowler, plant-based, recipe, vegan, vegan brand, vegan brands, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan hacks, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism, veganism benefits -

Looking for a simple but filling vegan snack? Before you reach for those Oreos, Teddy Grahams, or Nutter Butters, whip up one of these refreshing and nutritious alternatives instead. These stress-free recipes just might help you keep those new year resolutions.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, beauty, cleanse, dairy-free, goals, green living, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, new year, new years resolutions, paige fowler, plant-based, research, resolutions, self care, self help, self love, vegan, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism -

This list is chock-full of versatile, nutritious, and relatively cheap grocery items that are staples in my pantry and fridge, and I figured I’d share them for anyone who’s never tried to clean up their eating and maybe doesn’t know where to start.

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dairy-free, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, plant based, sawyer cecena, self care, vegan, vegan brand, vegan brands, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan hacks, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism, veganism benefits -

College is all about trying new things and expanding your horizons, which makes it a great time to go vegan! Or, maybe you’ve already been a vegan for a while, but are worried about maintaining that lifestyle in college. These fears are incredibly valid, as sometimes it can be difficult to find affordable vegan options near you (and, let’s face it – if you’re a college student, you’re definitely on the lookout for something affordable!). Take advantage of these tips to help you stick to get the most out of college without compromising your veganism!

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