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Whether you consider yourself a tree hugger or you are just trying to remember your tote bags when going to the grocery store, most of us are trying to make an effort to help the planet. However, it can feel like an overwhelming task, but changing one small thing in your lifestyle can be the beginning of a large change. So, if you want to start doing more for the environment, consider a few of these changes in your life - ones that won't break the bank.

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2019, beauty, cleaning, cleanse, combination skin, dry skin, feminine health, guide, moisturizer, razor, razors, remedies, sawyer cecena, self care, sensitive skin, shaving, skin, skin care, skin type -

There are millions of hair follicles all over the human body, which leave room for hundreds of thousands of hairs to grow to their liking. While body hair is completely natural, many people choose to remove the hairs not on their head via shaving, waxing, depilatories, or laser removal. 

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cleaning, cold season, cold weather, drinking water, energy, flu season, grace inch, guide, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, illness, mental health, natural remedy, remedies, remedy, self care, self help, sick, sickness, winter -

Cold season is upon us, and with that comes the mountains of used tissues, the sound of sneezing echoing around your home and so, so many trips to the pharmacy. Whether or not you’re a student just looking for some relief, or a tired parent picking up after sick children, or just sick of being sick yourself, here’s a couple of cheap ways to keep yourself healthy as we head into the fall months.

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acne, acne remedy, clay mask, cystic, cystic acne, dry skin, facial oil, moisturizer, natural, natural remedy, oily skin, paige fowler, remedies, remedy, tea tree oil -

By: Paige Fowler For many, cystic acne seems inescapable. I personally have struggled with it for over seven years, and it’s a constant cycle of hopes raised and hopes dashed: right when I think I’m clear, another painful and unsightly cyst resurfaces—or, more accurately, fails to. Because that’s precisely the problem with cystic acne: unlike “regular” acne like blackheads and whiteheads, cystic blemishes are under the skin, and that’s exactly what makes them so painful and difficult to get rid of. Many who struggle with cystic acne are frustrated to find they’re unable to treat their condition with over-the-counter medications...

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