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I’m sure everyone has heard “try coconut oil!” in response to some issue. Is coconut oil really this versatile and useful? While there are many things that coconut oil will help and some that it won't, below is a short list I’ve compiled of my favorite ways to use coconut oil in my day to day life.

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Every now and then we need to take a minute for ourselves, whether that’s taking 30 minutes to color every night, get your work out in, or just dissolve yourself into a television show. Many of us need to practice a little bit more self care, and put a little more thought into our day. Below is a list of 7 things I like to do to make sure that I’m always feeling like the best I can be.

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depression, drinking water, energy, energy efficiency, essential oil, essential oil usage, essential oils, face wash, green, green living, guide, happiness, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, hydration, mental health, mental health help, nap, nap time, remedies, remedy, sawyer cecena, self care, self help, self love, water -

did you know that too much caffeine consumption can actually make you more tired? Or cause some unfortunate side effects like tremors, an increased heartbeat, and bowel trouble? Cutting caffeine is no easy feat, but here are five caffeine-free ways to increase your energy that can help you get started.

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beauty, cold weather, energy, energy efficiency, environment, environmental, essential oil, essential oil usage, essential oils, guide, happiness, health, health benefit, healthy, healthy living, moisturizer, nap, nap time, natural, natural pain relief, natural relief, natural remedy, pain relief, remedies, remedy, research, sawyer cecena, self care, study -

There’s an old saying which goes: “The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.” Sometimes we just can’t wait until tomorrow! Whether it’s a stubbed toe or a cavity, most of us rely on over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or Tylenol for our general pain relief needs. Which is fine in moderation, but there are tons of natural, non-medicated pain relief remedies that are often underrated and unrecognized! Try some of these tips next time you’ve got that annoying ache that just won’t go away.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, acne, acne remedy, beauty, benefit, benefits, cleanse, cleanser, combination skin, cystic, cystic acne, dry skin, face wash, facial oil, goals, guide, health benefit, natural remedy, new years resolutions, Nicole Pyles, oily skin, remedies, self care, sensitive skin, skin care -

There are some habits we all may be guilty of doing that is terrible for our skin. In fact, you may be guilty of these habits as you read this article. What you may not realize is that some habits we take with us day in and day out do damage to the most obvious organ on our body - our skin. So, keep these three "don'ts" in mind and you may start seeing a healthier, clearer you staring back in the mirror.

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