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Whether you consider yourself a tree hugger or you are just trying to remember your tote bags when going to the grocery store, most of us are trying to make an effort to help the planet. However, it can feel like an overwhelming task, but changing one small thing in your lifestyle can be the beginning of a large change. So, if you want to start doing more for the environment, consider a few of these changes in your life - ones that won't break the bank.

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College is all about trying new things and expanding your horizons, which makes it a great time to go vegan! Or, maybe you’ve already been a vegan for a while, but are worried about maintaining that lifestyle in college. These fears are incredibly valid, as sometimes it can be difficult to find affordable vegan options near you (and, let’s face it – if you’re a college student, you’re definitely on the lookout for something affordable!). Take advantage of these tips to help you stick to get the most out of college without compromising your veganism!

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cheese, dairy-free, guide, health, health benefit, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, plant based, recipe, research, vegan, vegan brand, vegan brands, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan lifestyle, veganism, veganism benefits -

By: Sawyer Cecena

Who doesn’t love cheese?! It’s gooey, it’s creamy, and it goes with just about anything from sandwiches to potato products, and everything in between. So, if you’re totally missing cheese after a break-up with dairy, we understand! Luckily, there are some awesome alternatives out there that give you that same delectable, cheesy taste you love while still being 100% vegan!

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acne, benefit, benefits, energy, feminine health, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, plant based, skin, vegan, vegan diet, vegan lifestyle, veganism, veganism benefits, weight loss -

Just after my 19th birthday, I decided I wanted to become fully vegan. I’d been vegetarian ever since I was a baby and had flirted with the idea of veganism from time to time leading up to that point. I had always known it was something I wanted to do and as I had just moved out of my parents home it seemed like the perfect time to give it a proper go.

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