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Alia Savage, cleaning, cleanse, dairy-free, DIY, environment, environmental, go green, green, green living, guide, healthy living, plant-based, recycling, research, science, spring cleaning, vegan, vegan hacks, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism -

Commercial suppliers may finally be shifting towards developing vegan cleaning products, but it’s still very much a niche market. Until these companies are able to cheaply produce and distribute their vegan alternatives, the products will continue to be outside of some people’s price range.

But like the old saying goes: where there is a will, there is a way! Fortunately, there is a wide selection of foods found in your average grocery store that can double as vegan cleaning agents. And they won’t cost you an arm and a leg to obtain!

Here are four foods that can double as vegan, guilt-free cleaning agents.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, benefit, benefits, dairy-free, energy, environment, environmental, go green, goals, green, green living, guide, happiness, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, natural, new years resolutions, plant based, research, resolutions, vegan, vegan brand, vegan brands, vegan cheese, vegan diet, vegan hacks, vegan lifestyle, vegan tips, veganism, veganism benefits -

Some say it’s a fad, others it’s a lifestyle, and for many, it’s a path to healthy living. It’s also, of course, a major lifestyle adjustment that doesn’t always come easy. Habits take time to break. And as someone who’s recently attempted veganism, resetting my palate and resisting the urge to go back to my animal-eating ways has been a challenge, but I’ve pushed through. It is totally doable, and millions of people around the world live plant-based, and so can you.

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2019, 2019 resolutions, benefit, benefits, confidence, confident, depression, energy, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, healthy, healthy living, illness, mental health, mental health help, reading, remedies, remedy, research, resolutions, SAD, seasonal affective disorder, self care, self help, self love, social media, unplug -

Our bodies may be the vehicle that carries us from point A to point B, but our minds are our engines. It doesn’t matter how shiny and expensive a car looks on the outside, it will not run if the engine is broken, and that goes for our minds, too. In order for us to truly thrive, our minds, along with our body, have to operate in harmony. While there is no foolproof path to achieving optimal mental health,  the good news is that there are small things, if done in conjunction, that anyone can do to improve their overall wellbeing.

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2019 resolutions, benefit, benefits, confidence, confident, depression, energy, guide, happiness, happy, health, health benefit, healthy living, mental health, mental health help, nap time, natural relief, Nicole Pyles, reading, remedies, research, resolutions, self care, self help, self love, social media, unplug -

When was the last time you said no to an extra project or favor? When was the last time you relaxed for the sake of relaxing (and not for the Instagram photo op)? When was the last time you put down your smart phone or tablet, and let yourself be? If you find the side hustle is bringing you down, maybe it's time to give yourself a break. This is easier said than done, of course, but it's worth considering especially if your stress levels are out of control. Here's a few tips to keep in mind if you want to stop the hustle and start relaxing.

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beauty, benefit, benefits, cleaning, cleanse, cleanser, coconut, coconut oil, combination skin, dry skin, face wash, facial oil, health, health benefit, health trend, healthy, healthy living, ingredient trend, Ingredients, moisturizer, natural relief, natural remedy, oily skin, razor, razors, remedies, Sarah Dailey, self care, shaving, sickness, skin care -

I’m sure everyone has heard “try coconut oil!” in response to some issue. Is coconut oil really this versatile and useful? While there are many things that coconut oil will help and some that it won't, below is a short list I’ve compiled of my favorite ways to use coconut oil in my day to day life.

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